Tuesday, April 15, 2014

MK's Top 9 Superhero Movie Soundtracks

These days a lot of movie makers do not pay much attention to the soundtracks of their films. Well, I think the soundtrack is one of the integral part of a film without which it is incomplete. Soundtracks are important in how it makes you feel about a movie.
In this article I am going to be talking about the top 9 Superhero movie soundtracks from each film and composer as opposed to franchises. These are the must listen soundtracks which showcase the superhero in his own right. If you aren't into soundtracks this may help change your mind.
I am also gonna rate the scores based on their relevance to the movie and the superhero. This list and ratings are based on my viewings of the movie. Each person can have different opinions on different movies.

Honorable Mentions

Iron Man 3
Captain America : First Avenger

9. Thor: The Dark World by Brian Tyler 

Brian Tyler is notable for his works on the Fast and Furious series and recently in Iron Man 3 and Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag. But his work on Thor : The Dark World was just phenomenal.Though the score of the first movie by Patrick Doyle was good it never did justice to Thor's character . Brian Tyler's score truly shows the magical and majestic nature of Thor's world i.e, Asgard and the 9 Realms.

Relevance Rating : 8.5/10


1. Thor: The Dark World
2. Into Eternity
3. Deliverance
4. Legacy

8. Iron Man by Ramin Djawadi 

As much as Brian Tyler's take on the Iron Man was fun (who can forget the song that played at the end credits. Right!?), it comes nowhere to the theme by Ramin Djawadi who has scored Game of Thrones and Pacific Rim among others. Ramin is known for his heavy guitar influences in his soundtracks and that was just perfect for Iron Man. With Tony Stark being such a badass nothing else would work.

Relevance Rating : 8/10


1. Driving With The Top Down
2. Iron Man (2008 version)
3. Mark 1

7. X-Men First Class by Henry Jackman

 While the original X-Men trilogy didn't have a proper theme (even if it did , it didn't stand out much) "First Class" is just an amazing theme for the X-Men. Henry Jackman was just the thing the X-Men needed. And the theme for Magneto was just pure evil and danger.

Relevance Rating: 8.5/10


1. First Class
2. Sublift
3. Magneto

6. Superman by John Williams

Now who can forget the iconic theme for the first superhero movie ever. John Williams is notable for giving us epic themes for epic movies such as Harry Potter and Star Wars. Whenever I heard this as a small boy I would totally feel like donning a red cape and taking off.

Relevance Rating: 8/10

5. Avengers by Alan Silvestri

Possibly the hardest soundtrack to create on this list as Silvestri had to create a theme that represents a team and not just a single hero. And he has handled the job well.

Relevance Rating : 8.5/10


1. The Avengers
2. A Promise
3. Performance Issues
4. Helicarrier

4. The Dark Knight by Hans Zimmer

Hans Zimmer. Is there anyone more greater than him in the soundtrack business?
Hans gives us the most iconic and emotional soundtracks. Its gritty and dark and fits perfectly. The Dark Knight trilogy as a whole has almost the same soundtrack.

Relevance Rating : 8.5/10

1. A Watchful Guardian
2. Like a Dog Chasing Cars
3. And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad
4. Why So Serious?

3. Spider-Man by Danny Elfman

Now this I can never forget. It was the first superhero theme I had ever heard and it was so good. The reason this is also so high in my list is due to the nostalgic factor.

Recently I have just heard the score by Hans Zimmer for the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and honestly I think for the first time ever his score isn't good. But i will withhold judgement  until I see the movie.

Relevance Rating : 9/10


1. Spidey Suite
2. Farewell
3. Armageddon
4. Declared Love /At Long Last Love

2. Man of Steel by Hans Zimmer

Magnificent. Spectacular. Mesmerizing. I just cant describe how good this soundtrack is. Hans Zimmer truly is the best at what he does (but what he does isn't nice? Just Kidding). Listen to it and judge for yourself. I just thought the film wasn't on the same level of the soundtrack though.

Relevance Rating : 7.5/10


1. An Ideal of Hope 
2. Flight
3. Arcade

1. Captain America : The Winter Soldier by Henry Jackman

Arguably the best Superhero soundtrack of all time. Henry Jackman is a GENIUS. This soundtrack is emotionally engaging. It totally fits the context of this movie. And try not to cry when you hear "End of the Line" and think about the last scene with Cap and the Winter Soldier or any emotional thought for that matter. Or maybe I'm too emotional.

Relevance Rating : 9.5/10


1. Taking a Stand
2. End of The Line
3. Lemurian Star
4. Captain America
5. Winter Soldier

If you have a different opinion on this list please comment below. Also list your personal list of favorite soundtracks. Thank You.